Department store show Logo
Shanghai New International Expo Center

Innovative marketing&The strength of the 113th Department Store connection line shows up and down

2019725日至27We are committed to building a strong exhibition of quality in the household goods industry113The China General Merchandise Fair (hereinafter referred to as "General Merchandise Fair") will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center。As a remarkable mid-year event in the department store industry, the new "department Store will" continue to upgrade the exhibition ideas, and strive to create a unique exhibition marketing and service system。Not only have various forms of creative marketing programs (CMOIt also provides intelligent digital tools for zero-distance experience。The organizers actively provide exhibitors with a full range of full-cycle care services to meet their business demands, which is the "department store" and exhibitors such a loyal and strong relationship of important factors。


New marketing, new innovation, fully enable exhibitors to create the strongest exhibition lineup

As #113The highlight of the exhibitor service of the department store fair, Reed Huabai provides diversified creative marketing solutions for exhibitors (CMO)包括On-site brand promotion, on-site product promotion, pre-exhibition marketing promotion&On-site drainage, commercial sponsorship cooperationFour plates。The program is rich and comprehensive, which is very effective for highlighting the exhibitors' industry status, highlighting featured exhibits, exploring potential buyers, and expanding greater business opportunities。

In the "live branding" section,The organizer will use a variety of carriers to market the exhibitor brand,For example, hang banners and flag advertisements with exhibitor logos,Distribute illustrated fans,Post a sign at the South Hall registration office,The use of electric vehicles to carry three-dimensional advertising in the exhibition hall flow publicity,Can increase the exhibitor brand exposure,Attract buyers' attention,Deepen professional buyers' awareness and understanding of the brand,And guide more visitors to the booth exchange。In addition, the organizers also hang exhibitors' three-dimensional advertisements in the South Square cube, an important passageway for vehicle flow, and the audience reception in the South HallLEDScreen 24/7 rolling broadcast product promotional video, let8Professional buyers see their favorite products for the first time, and their exposure will be far more than ordinary building advertisements。


In addition to brand marketing, the on-site promotion of featured exhibits is also the top priority of the exhibition's exhibitors。To this end, the organizer will set up a number of new product display cases on both sides of the way that buyers must enter the exhibition hall from the registration hall, and will catch up with new products, beautiful products and creative products in one net。Receive close to80,000People's eyes baptism, which contains business opportunities can be imagined。These products that first enter the eyes of buyers will greatly mobilize the interest of professional visitors to visit and negotiate。In addition to the on-site display of products, the organizer will also print some of the representative exhibits on the exhibition visitor guide, this mobile product promotion treasure must be entered by the audience, which is also helpful to expand the reputation of the exhibits。


It can be said that113The innovative marketing program of the department store will bring huge traffic support for exhibitors。With the in-depth preparation of the exhibition, some well-known enterprises have renewed their subscriptions113Session booth, while continuing the department store will beCMOAs one of their marketing plans for the next year。其中Xi 'an Jia helper daily necessities Co., LTDSaid: the company has participated in two consecutive sessions of Shanghai department store, each time through on-site advertising, through展位+advertisingDouble exposure, The popularity of good helpers has been significantly improved。The high-quality products of other manufacturers on the scene also bring more fresh inspiration to the good helper。Four years in a row at the department storeGuangdong Songfa porcelain Co., LTDAlso feel very deep, because the popularity of the department store will bring good market performance to the company, the exposure of resources inside and outside the station, the marketing publicity such as hard wide in advance, but also bring huge traffic support for Songfa ceramics exhibition。Many exhibitors have expressed their willingness to work in the No113The department store will once again expand more cooperation opportunities with the help of exhibition marketing, and the harvest is full。



New services, new tools, focus on the exhibition demand to increase effective exposure

The use of modern information technology and digital screens for exhibitors has become a trend in many exhibitions。The drainage and push means of the organizers of the department store are more diversified. In addition to electronic news push, exhibitors can also visit the home page of the official website of the Department storeWIFIAdvertising on landing pages and other prominent positions to consolidate buyers' awareness of the brand, so that marketing publicity without dead corners。More importantly, the organizers of the department store also introduced the popular wechat promotion program, which can cover the accurate circle of friends in the whole department store industry and be affected by each promotion80,000More accurate fans' continuous attention, a single marketing message can at least get more than1,500The second professional audience clicks effectively。New online"REED CONNECTAPP, is another main battlefield for exhibitors to promote, including business opportunities scanning link, product page advertising link, exhibitor list search highlight link, can effectively expose the exhibitor brand, guide buyers to quickly locate exhibitors and booths。In addition to relying on mobile phones to locate exhibitors, the large screen at the exhibition site has also become an important carrier for promoting exhibitors。On the one hand,The organizer may record promotional videos customized to the exhibitor,Generate permanent viewing links on site,Real-time synchronous sharing to the national distribution agents and customers,Publish to wechat public account and major live broadcast and video websites,Create a never-ending new product feast;On the other hand,The exhibition will bring more than 100 exhibitors new products to participate in the "Dragon Tiger List"-Top ten popular products real-time tracking list, title exhibitors will show the brand and booth information below the on-site display screen, improve the exposure of the display opportunity。



In order to avoid delayed communication due to limited channels, the new department store will spare no effort in helping exhibitors conduct commercial sponsorship cooperation。The organizer will hold a number of conferences and forums in line with the theme of the department store industry. In addition to inviting industry celebrities to speak on the spot, 100+ professional buyers who participate in each event also have the perfect opportunity to promote their own brands。TAP buyer service is the exclusive high-end service of the department store. The organizer provides the naming right of TAP lounge for prospective exhibitors, helping more TAP buyers to understand the product brand in time and promote the purchase intention。In addition, the department store will also invite the strength of the exhibitors to sponsor the "department store" industry dinner, the dinner participants include the country's major supermarkets, industry elites and other high-end people, the popularity of the title business through these word-of-mouth, will undoubtedly have a significant improvement。


It is enough to see that the reason why the department store is leading in the exhibition industry is not only because of the careful preparation and professional services provided for exhibitors in the early stage, but also the developed digital tools have played an important auxiliary role。第113The "Department Store meeting" has been warmly welcomed by many well-known manufacturers in the field of department store daily necessities, and the booth reservation has covered nearly9,部分CMOCreative advertising projects have also been soldThe organizers hope that more enterprises with cooperation intentions will soon settle in。Other interested exhibitors or professional visitors with procurement needs can pay attention to the first113The "Department Store" official wechat or login official website, in order to immediately understand the latest progress of the exhibition。

113Department store exhibition space reservation

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113Department store creative advertising consulting

Consulting telephone:010-5933 9331

邮箱:[email protected]
